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i heart [furry] faces.

from my past entries to i heart faces when it's animal week, you'd never know i had actual pets. i do, it's just that i always opt to be more original. maybe it'll pay off, maybe it won't, but when i heard it was furry faces week, i had to enter this. i'll even retell the story of how i got this picture!

in june, on our trip to the game reserve in south africa, we didn't see a ton a ton of animals, but we saw lots of zebras. not many this close though. this is no zoom, me leaning over my brother in our tiny rental car just to get my lens out the window. it so paid off. check out the other great entries by clicking the logo below!


  1. this is insanely cool.
    def. a winner :)

  2. Great shot, very nicely done. To bad I don't have them walking around in my backyard lol.

  3. That is an amazing photograph! Beautiful job!

  4. Wow! So beautiful!


  5. Can't deny that is a good lookin' zebra!!!

  6. That is so funny, because I do the same thing!! I actually do have birds I could photograph, but that's not nearly as fun as using the less contemporary forms of "pets"! LOL I LOVE that you used a zebra! Totally different!

  7. very striking. I love the black and white.
